UNPOG : News & Events - The UNPOG Public Governance Quarterly

The UNPOG Public Governance Quarterly

USG Liu Bilateral Meetings
Oct 25-26, 2018 / Incheon & Seoul, Republic of Korea
USG Liu Bilateral Meetings 
DPIDG/UNPOG helped arrange a series of bilateral meetings for USG Liu with several Korean government agencies and GCF. 
  • Bilateral Meeting with H.E. Mr. Kim Boo Kyum, Minister of the Interior and Safety
On October 25, USG Liu had a bilateral meeting with H.E. Mr. Kim Boo Kyum, Minister of the Interior and Safety in Incheon. The parties discussed further collaboration between the Government of Republic of Korea and UN DESA in the field of strengthening public government for SDG implementation in Asia and the Pacific through capacity development programme activities by UNPOG. The meeting concluded with a call for further cooperation between UN DESA and the Government of Korea.
  • Bilateral Meeting with H.E. Mr. Kim Pan Suk, Minister of Personnel Management 
In the afternoon of October 25, USG Liu held a bilateral meeting with H.E. Mr. Kim Pan Suk, the Minister of Personnel Management. The two parties discussed and identified existing initiatives to promote public institutions, governance, and digital government as a common ground for cooperation. This cooperation between UN DESA and the Ministry could go beyond promoting SDG 16 to include capacity development programmes for public officials. 
  • Bilateral Meeting with H.E. Mr. Kang Jeong-sik, Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On October 25 in Seoul, USG Liu also had a fruitful meeting with H.E. Mr. Kang Jeong-sik, Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). The discussion reiterated the implementation of the 2030 Agenda as the top priority areas for the UN. USG Liu highlighted good governance and strong public institutions as critical for the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda. He also invited the Korean government to take the initiative to review SDG 16 given the government’s strong expertise in this area.
  • USG Visit to Green Climate Fund 
On October26, USG Liu had a bilateral meeting with Mr. Javier Manzanares, Executive Director of GCF. The bilateral meeting was followed by a closed-door meeting with 12 GCF Senior Management Team Members. USG Liu also delivered a special address to the GCF Secretariat with participation by over 150 GCF staff members. USG Liu highlighted the importance of integrating climate discussions in the context of the 2030 Agenda, called for the urgency of unlocking progress in finance negotiations and enabling more ambitious climate action ahead of COP24, and expressed his wishes to GCF for joining the Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development as well as the UN SDG Database.  
UNPOG : USG Liu Bilateral Meetings
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