UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Courtesy Visit to Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency and Busan Eco Delta Smart City (28 August 2024, Busan, Republic of Korea) August 29, 2024
DPIDG/UNPOG paid a courtesy visit to Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency and Busan Eco Delta Smart City to discuss the organizations’ potential participation in the Local Governance and Partnerships Forum during the upcoming 8th Regional Symposium to be held on 1 November 2024. The Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency was established to foster Information and Communications Technology (ICT), such as information communications and cultural content of the Busan region to expand the growth foundation of related industries. The Busan Eco Delta Smart City was established with a vision to adopt the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies to lead future industry and allow citizens to benefit from fair opportunity and inclusive growth with increased quality of life in the areas of education, culture, safety, and environment. Both organizations agreed to explore further opportunities for cooperation in 2025 following the Local Governance and Partnerships Forum.
UNPOG : Courtesy Visit to Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency and Busan Eco Delta Smart City (28 August 2024, Busan, Republic of Korea)
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