UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


2013 Steering Committee Meeting March 18, 2013
Mr. Alexei Tikhomirov and Mr. Bong-up Cho (Senior Public Administration and Governance Expert, UNPOG) participated in the 2013 Steering Committee Meeting, respectively as ex-officio member and observer. The meeting took place on 14 March, in the UN Headquarters, New York. Attended by representatives from UNDESA and MOPAS, the steering committee reviewed 2012 UNPOG activities, and discussed various pending and forthcoming issues related to UNPOG’s project management and operation, including the revision of the Project Document, the conclusion of the Host Country Agreement, and the need to strategize UNPOG activities to support innovative public administration and governance for sustainable development and post-2015 global development agenda.
UNPOG : 2013 Steering Committee Meeting
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