UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


UNPOG Head’s Participation in the 12th CEPA Meeting April 22, 2013
Mr. Alexei Tikhomirov participated in the 12th CEPA Meeting, which was held in the United Nations Headquarters, New York, from 15 to 19 April. This year’s annual CEPA focused on the topic of the Role of Responsive and Accountable Public Governance in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the Post-2015 Development Agenda, and included three inter-related thematic group discussions. UNPOG participated in working group session 2 on the topic of e-government, and facilitated the delivery of a formal statement by the Minister of Transportation and ICT of Kazakhstan, and provided contributing comments on emerging issues of e-government and open government. Upon further consultation with the head office, and reflecting the most recent CEPA recommendations, the individual programme components of UNPOG’s annual work plan will be finalized at the earliest opportunity.
UNPOG : UNPOG Head’s Participation in the 12th CEPA Meeting
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