UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


UNPOG’s New Head took office October 07, 2013
As of October 7, 2013, new Head of UNPOG took office. Ambassador Jae-hong Lim, a former career diplomat who has served 35 years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Korea is appointed as the new Head of UNPOG. After taking a number of positions closely related with the United Nations such as Director of Human Rights and Social Affairs Division in United Nations System Bureau and Minister-Counsellor of Korean Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador Lim has performed his duties also as Ambassador to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Kingdom of Thailand. In addition to that, he has been actively engaged in the activities of Colombo Plan in Sri Lanka and UNESCAP in Thailand. His expertise and professionalism from the years of experience would greatly contribute not only to UNPOG’s future activities but also to its organisational stability and long-term vision.
UNPOG : UNPOG’s New Head took office
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