UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Meeting with President of National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea (28 May 2024, Seoul, Republic of Korea) May 30, 2024
The Head of UNPOG had a meeting with Mr. Jong-Sung Hwang, President of the National Information Society Agency (NIA) of the Republic of Korea. The meeting explored possible collaboration focusing on artificial intelligence (AI), data governance, digital inclusion, and digital government related legal framework for empowering public institutions to accelerate SDG implementation. During the meeting, NIA shared the Seoul Declaration from its recent AI Seoul Summit held on 21 May 2024. The declaration focuses on AI safety, innovation, and inclusiveness as the three core AI normative values, ensuring that everyone can benefit from AI. Both sides agreed to further discuss the next steps and synergies via ongoing collaboration. 
UNPOG : Meeting with President of National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea (28 May 2024, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
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