UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Study on UNGC Master Plan December 01, 2006
The rising public expectation by the spread of democracy, globalisation, and informatisation has required good governance through government capacity and enhanced trust in government, along with democratic decision-making in government, private sector, media and civil society

Against this backdrop, the 6th Global Forum on Reinventing Government, co-organised by the Government of Republic of Korea and the United Nation, adopted with strong endorsement of the participants the ‘Seoul Declaration on Participatory and Transparent Governance’, which called for the need of a specialised organisation for conducting research on governance and disseminating research results. As follow-up, United Nations Governance Centre (UNGC) was established through the technical cooperation and the trust fund agreement between the United Nations and the Government of the Republic of Korea.

In this context, this report aims to develop a blueprint for the organisational development and key activities of UNGC, with focus on detailed direction and strategy of activities.

In connection to the research objectives, the main contents of this research are: 

First, set up the focus of UNGC, in other words, clarify the purpose of the establishment of UNGC. In detail, i) proposition of UNGG’s slogan, i.e. a catchphrase justifying the identity of UNGC, ii) distinct nature of UNGC, iii) management philosophy and attitude of UNGC, and iv) the organisational goals of the UNGC based on the management philosophy and attitude.

Second, set up the locus of UNGC, in other words, develop key strategies and main areas of activity to achieve the organisational goals of UNGC. In detail, i) strategy for identity of UNGC, ii) differentiation strategy of UNPOG compared to similar institutions iii) three-stage goals and implementation strategies, iv) detailed activities in three areas including research and policy development; capacity development; and communication, advocacy, and outreach stipulated in the UNGC Project Document.

* This research was published in Korean.
UNPOG : Study on UNGC Master Plan
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