UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Regional Workshop on Intersectoral Governance and National Innovation Policies November 27, 2008
Time Programme
Day 1 : Tuesday, 25 November 2008
09:00~10:00 Registration
10:00~10:50 Opening Session
· Welcoming remarks by the representatiove of the Turkmenistan Governmment
· Opening remarks by DPADM/UNDESA
· Opening remarks by UNDP representative
· Opening remarks by UNPOG
10:50~14:00 Panel 1 : Elabortion and Implementation of National Innovation / ICT
Programme as a part of the NAtional Development Strategy

1.Chairpeson : Ms. Akjeren Allavurova, Deputy Chairperson of the Council
for Science and Technology of Turkmenistan

1. Mr. Akyibek Aidraliev, Kyzgyzstan
2. Mr. Mikhail Makhoniok, CISCO
3. Mr. Sukhrob Yokubzada,Tajikistan
4. Mr. Shohruh Rahmat,Uzbekistan
5. Mr. Laszlo Molnar, FormerAmbassador of Hungary to the United NAtions
12:00~12:30 Coffe Break Q/A and Discussions
14:00~15:00 Lunch
15:00~18:00 Panel 2
Intersectoral Govenance Mechanisms for Innovation/ICT
Programme formulation and implementation including regylatory framework and Public-Private partnership
 Mr. Alexei Tikhomirov, UNDESA Chairman
1. Mr. Melisbek Satybekov, Kyrgyzstan
2. Mr. Sergey Mikhnevich, CISCO
3. Mr. Shukhrat Abdullaev, Tahikistan
4. Mr. Zokirdzhon Mazardinov, Tahikistan
5. Mr. Fuad Nasirov, Azerbaijan
16:30~17:00 Coffe Break Q/A and Discussions
Time Programme
DAY 2  :  Wednesday, 26 November 2008
09:00-13:00 Panel 3 : Korean ICT experience in relation to E/M Government Knowledge Repository
Mr. Myung Soo Cho, UNDESA is UNPOG Chairman

1. Mr. Yongsuk Lee, MOPAS, Korea
2. Mr. Jeongtae Kim, UNPOG
3. Ms. Hyungjun Kim, OECD Korea Policy Centre
4. Mr. A Aidaraliev, Kyrgyzstan
5. Ms. F. Valchebskaya, CISCO
6. MS. Arzu Necofova, Azerbaijan
11:00~11:30 Coffe Break
Q/A and Discussions
13:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~18:00 Working Groups"
1.Working group on Innovation/ICT Programme Formulation within the Framework of the National Development Strategy.
Mr. A. Aidraliev, Kyzgyzstan
Resource Person: Mr. Mikhail Makhoniok
2. Working group on "Intersectoral Governmance Mechanisms for Innvoation/ICT Programme Formulation and Implementation"
Mr. Alexei Person : Mr. Fozil Teshaeb, Uzbekistan  
Time Programme
Day 3 : Thursday, 27 Novemver 2008
09:00~12:00 Closing Session: - Reports of the Working Groups
-Mr. Alexei Tikhonmirov, UNDESA, Moderator
10:40~11:00 Coffe Break
11:00~12:00 Closing remarks by:
-UNDESA representative
-UNDP representative
-Government representative
-UNPOG representative
12:00~13:00 Lunch
13:00~18:00 Study Toru
-Mr. Alexei Tikhomirov, UNDESA
-Government of Turkemenistan
More details available at:
UNPOG : Regional Workshop on Intersectoral Governance and National Innovation Policies
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