UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Forum on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Local Governments October 19, 2009
The Forum on the impact of the Economic Crisis on Local Governments in Asia and the Pacific (22 October 2009), held in Seoul, ROK, was jointly organised by Central Officials Training Institute (COTI), Eastern Regional Organisation on Public Administration and United Nations Project Office on Governance for local government representatives to identify innovative approaches, including e-government strategies, that could help reduce the impact of the crisis on local governance, administration and public service delivery. The Forum also offered an opportunity for the sharing of lessons and experiences among local government stakeholders and proposing measures to reduce the impact of similar crisis in future. The main issues addressed were the impact of the crisis on local governments, their experiences and strategies for coping with the crisis, ICT tools and techniques useful in addressing the impact of the crisis and the local government reforms that should be in place to minimise it. 

The successful organisation of the Forum featuring 4 local governance experts/representatives and attended by 150 participants, expert presentations on the topical issues, and material that are made available for uploading on the UNPAN website to enhance the UN knowledge base.
UNPOG : Forum on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Local Governments
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